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Gas Water Heater

Forget delays and hikes in bill prices without a gas water heater, specifically designed to be economical from the gas heater price point.

This heater works as an instant water heater and provides an interrupted supply of hot water throughout the day because of its specific design.


We design our gas water heater on the principle of convection which allows our water heater to be semi-automatic.

In the case of a storage tank water heater, two tubes are attached to the tank, one at the bottom and the other at the top. The bottom tube provides a continuous supply of cold water to the tank and the top pipe drains out hot water as you open the tap.

In this way, water is continuously heated through a gas burner until there is plenty of it for your use.


Beside the gas water heater price point, our gas water heater has several advantages over other types of water heaters:

Instant Hot Water:

Most of the water heaters rely on a filament, rod, or anode to heat water. For them to work, the medium has to become hot enough first to start heating the water which delays the process and kills the efficiency.

But since our water heater operates on gas through a burner, there is no medium involved and the water gets directly heated to produces many efficient results. It also reduces the reload time of our water heater.

Energy Conservation:

The medium used in other types of water heaters is usually made up of metal or alloys, which take much more time to heat up before they start heating the water. Making that medium hot enough requires a significant amount of energy that goes to waste in the process.

Our water heaters conserve this energy by eliminating that medium and working on the water directly.


Since our water heaters conserve energy, they save you the extra money that goes into heating the medium as in the case of other heaters.

And because of the convention principle, our heaters save you from putting a strain on your energy source because water soon reaches equilibrium if you do not use it for a while, ultimately saving you more money in the long run.